- Carly Samaniego attends Discipleship Training School at YWAM – San Jose, Costa Rica
- Steve Samaniego, Managing Director of Vital Seed Ministries, Intl, visits Costa Rica for the first time to learn about YWAM. Vital Seed begins to invest in the Kingdom of God in Costa Rica through YWAM-SJ.
- Vital Seed personnel make many trips to Costa Rica to advance the Kingdom.
- Steve Samaniego is shown by God the extent of fatherlessness in Costa Rica and Latin America. He discusses the burden with his son, Daniel, who has an idea to use baseball to introduce kids in Costa Rica to the Love of the Father.
- Steve discusses the idea with Diego Silva, Director of YWAM Nicoya, who begins to arrange meetings to find possible cities in which to do the camp.
- Steve and Diego visit Liberia, Costa Rica and meet with the local sports council. The sports council commits to helping Vital Seed with the baseball camp.
- Steve begins to spread the word about the camp, which God quickly grows into much more than baseball.
- God leads us to plan for worship services, bible distribution and baseball. God calls over 35 missionaries from various churches in Texas, plus YWAM – Nicoya and YWAM – San Jose to participate.
- Tony del Rio accepts the call to become the “point man” for coordination between all the entities involved (Vital Seed, Texas churches, Liberia churches, Municipality, YWAM, Homes of Hope, Prepare International, etc.).
- Ally Samaniego develops the first Impacto Costa Rica logo and t-shirt.
- Impacto Costa Rica begins with much difficulty:
- Sports council did not follow through on their commitments
- God makes it work anyway
- First chur ch to participate: Iglesia Sion
- Pastors meeting at Boyeros on Tuesday resulted in reconciliations and commitments to see the Kingdom come to Liberia
- 60+ kids participate in baseball camp
- Evening worship led by Chove and YWAM School of Worship
- Over 600 homes visited and given bibles around the baseball field
- 1000 meals served
- Mayor visit
- TV station visit
- Impacto a major success, praise God!
- Baseball clinic, reconnect with kids, municipality and churches
- Planning for Jan 2015 mission event
- Baseball, basketball, soccer, vbs, skateboarding, medical services, pastors
- Over 100 missionaries from 10 different nations
- 12 Liberia churches, 4 US churches, Skate Church, YWAM
- Over 2500 homes visited and bibles delivered
- Over 5000 meals served
- Over 500 kids participate
- Revival at the Skate Park
- Discipleship School from Abilene- 2-week mission involving Impacto Barrios and sports camps
- Impacto Barrios from Iglesia Bethel and Iglesia Tierra Deseable
- Very successful
- Full camps, over 500 kids
- Evening worship service at the main soccer stadium
- Municipality support
- Impacto Barrios from two different churches
- Visited over 2500 homes and delivered bibles
- Over 100 missionaries
- Cuban refugees, 15 conversions and baptisms, wedding
- Over 5000 meals served
- Prepare International launches bible school in Liberia
- 2-weeks sports camps, evangelism, Impacto Barrios
- Discipleship School from Abilene
- Multiple YWAM groups from Costa Rica and Mexico
- New partnerships:
- University of Costa Rica
- New mayor and vice mayor
- Movie nights at Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem
- Launching point for Impacto Cuba: 7 missionaries from Central America
- Sports camps for over 300 kids
- Prayer and bible distribution in barrio Jicaro 2
- Fiesta barrio a huge success, over 200 people attended
- Vacation bible school for over 100 children in barrio Jicaro 2
- Strengthened partnership with Liberia churches and municipality
- YWAM DTS and bible school participation
- 11 baptisms and another wedding!
- Funeral Director’s Life Insurance, Inc., sponsors a home build in Jaco, CR
- Vital Seed and Homes of Hope partner to lead the mission and home build
- Over 100 people from FDLIC participate in the mission
- Partnerships with local churches and municipality
- A family blessed with a new home, furniture and gifts
- A neighborhood changed by the love of Jesus!
- Beltway Park Church from Abilene sends youth group
- Betenbough Homes from Lubbock sends team to build home
- Sports camps for over 300 kids at University of Costa Rica
- Prayer and bible distribution continues in Barrio San Rafael
- Over 5,000 bibles distributed to date….about 6,000 more to go
- Launching YWAM-Liberia
- Reaffirming commitment and focus on discipleship
- Basketball outreach growing with support of local coaches
- Marriage seminar a major success
- Prepare International schools operating with 35 students
- Added yoga and surf outreaches
- YWAM-Liberia beginning to take leadership role for Impacto CR
- Continuing sports camps with support of Liberia sports council
- Beginning prison ministry….8 inmates decided to follow Jesus, discipleship set
- Antioch-Dallas sends discipleship school team
- Bible and prayer distribution continues with 300 more homes receiving bibles
- Impacto Cuba planning meeting with Impacto CR missionaries and volunteers
- Basketball camp grows to 75+ kids, coach gives his life to Jesus
- Youth sports camps at University of Costa Rica
- Sports camps attended by over 300 kids
- Missionary teams from various parts of the US and Latin America
- YWAM Liberia in process of being launched
- Yoga camp very successful in Liberia soccer stadium
- Bible distribution and prayer: Over 300 homes, reaching total of 6000 homes
- Open air campaign in partnership with Iglesia Bethel…Mark Turner, evangelist
- Over 100 people give their lives to the Lord
- Youth sports camps at Teocali Academy
- Over 250 kids attend
- Prioritizing discipleship
- Bible distribution and prayer in Barrio Martina Bustos
- YWAM Liberia officially launched…leads Impacto Costa Rica
- Youth sports camps at Teocali Academy
- Over 250 kids attend
- Prioritizing discipleship: Impacto leaders being discipled
- YWAM Uruguay helps lead
- Ladies ministry for 25 women recovering from domestic violence
- Yoga a great success: Over 75 children and adults participate
- Open air campaign: Many give their lives to Jesus, 4 baptized in river
- Continued prison visit: Men in prison being loved and discipled
- Surf camp a great success, led by Yalmar and Kat Mairena